Monthly Archives: December 2017

CWEWh welcomes Amy Blair, volume editor for The Gods Arrive

blairphotoCWEWh welcomes its new editor Amy Blair of Marquette University (, who will be editing The Gods Arrive for the edition. From the site:

Amy L. Blair is an associate professor of English at Marquette University and is co-editor, with James Machor, of the journal Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History, the official journal of the Reception Study Society. Dr. Blair’s 2012 book Reading Up: Middle-Class Readers and the Culture of Success in the Early Twentieth-Century United States, was published by Temple University Press under the auspices of the Andrew Mellon Foundation-funded American Literatures Initiative. Reading Up investigates, through the lens of a reading advice column that ran for the decade between 1902 and 1912 in the Ladies’ Home Journal magazine, the way readerly desires for social, cultural, and financial capital affected readers’ reception of the canonical works of American literary realism and the less-celebrated, genteel literary bestselling fiction of the day. Dr. Blair’s current work in progress includes a study of Emily Newell Blair’s reading advice in Good Housekeeping magazine during the 1920s and 1930s; a cultural history of fan mail from the eighteenth century to 21st-century Twitterdom; and a nascent study of censorship as seen through a reception study lens.